Mar 11, 2009

Hello Kitty Happy Meal

There's nothing better than rocking up to your local McDonald's on the evening of a public holiday to discover the new Happy Meal toys in store for this month ..

Hello Kitty watch

The public holiday was on Monday. It's currently Wednesday and as you can see, I've been to McDonald's every day for the past three days to acquire these watches - 'Down with Brown' and 'Purple Fairy'. I still have to collect the pink and the red I think.

Yes, they are fully functional and yes, I would wear them in public (perhaps not the brown though). I think they're cute :)

I'm pretty sure you can guess what I'll be ordering from Macca's for the next month.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, when you become famous because this blog is so massively awesome and you're the biggest hello kitty person in the universe, don't forget to mention me every time you're interviewed ;D

    I was gonna buy this the other day O_O Then I bought a burger instead.

